Government Funded Play, Presents Jews as Colonisers of 'Palestine'

We are called to stand against falsehoods that stir division and compromise the safety of communities. Today, we are reaching out to you regarding a troubling event that distorts historical truth and may fuel prejudice against the Jewish community.

The ACT government-supported production, The Invaders’ Fear of Memories: A Play About the Colonisation of Palestine, presents a misleading narrative that ignores the deep historical roots of the Jewish people in their homeland. By obscuring key truths, this production risks promoting a divisive perspective that not only distorts history but could also stoke tensions and contribute to the rise in antisemitic sentiment.

We ask you to join us in respectfully urging our Members of Parliament to ensure that taxpayer-supported platforms promote messages of truth, and mutual respect – not division. Stand with us in asking for an inclusive and factual representation of history by reaching out to your MP today.

I am writing to you as a concerned constituent regarding the forthcoming production at the Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centre, The Invaders’ Fear of Memories: A Play About the Colonisation of Palestine, which appears to be supported by the ACT Government.

This production, according to its promotional material, seeks to present a skewed and prejudicial perspective on the history of Israel, framing Jewish presence in the region as one of “settler-colonialism” and “apartheid.” Such depictions ignore the long and continuous Jewish presence in the region. Jewish indigeneity to this land is documented in secular, Christian, Jewish and Islamic history, it is also verified by archaeology. It is undisputable that this land has been a centre of Jewish life for millennia.

The central character of the play, Yossef Nachmani, is described as a "colonizer," disregarding the historical context of his flight from violent Russian pogroms, which claimed over 100,000 Jewish lives. Far from being a colonizer, Nachmani was a refugee who legally purchased land and sought a safe haven from persecution—actions comparable to those of many immigrants who have come to Australia under similar circumstances.

The one-sided narrative promoted by this play misrepresents the complexities of historical events and perpetuates harmful stereotypes that contribute to the growing wave of antisemitism in Australia and around the world. In Canberra alone, we have recently witnessed alarming acts of antisemitic hatred, underscoring the urgent need for sensitivity and truthfulness in public discourse.

It is deeply troubling that a taxpayer-funded facility, managed by an organization claiming to foster a “safe, inclusive, and sustainable arts ecosystem,” is hosting a production that could promote division and intolerance. This is particularly concerning given that children of Jewish and Israeli backgrounds participate in activities at the same venue.

Furthermore, the production appears to be supported by groups with a history of antisemitic rhetoric and alignment with militant organizations. This raises questions about whether ACT Government facilities should be used for events that amplify divisive political agendas under the guise of artistic expression.

I respectfully urge you to:

  1. Investigate the nature and funding of this production and its alignment with ACT Government values.
  2. Ensure that publicly funded facilities do not host events that misrepresent history or promote division.
  3. Support policies that foster respectful, inclusive, and accurate discourse on complex issues.

As an elected representative, your leadership is essential in ensuring that ACT taxpayer funds are used responsibly to promote unity, respect, and historical accuracy. I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to discuss this matter further at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue.

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