Scenes of celebration, calls for future massacres, near lynching of hostages by ‘civilians’ of Gaza. There are some serious questions every supporter of Gaza/Hamas must answer!
To all the well-meaning liberals around the world who have been supporting Hamas/Gaza for the past 14 months, I have some questions for you:
- Do you now see that you have been played? Your good intentions, your aversion to war and death and suffering, have been taken advantage of by a sophisticated, relentless barrage of lies, fed to you by people consumed by hatred and shameless in their desire to massacre Jews.
- Will this be the moment when, like your liberal, Marxist grandparents who were confronted with the horrors of Stalin’s Gulags, that you abandon your support for the enemies of your own culture and civilisation, and realise how evil Hamas is, and, by comparison, who good western civilisation is?
- Will you abandon support for any political party in your country that does not wholeheartedly support Israel in its fight against terror?
- As you see the naked hatred of the screaming mob of Gaza’s ‘civilians’, as they try to lynch 3 innocent Israeli women, will you realise that your marches in cities around the world are expressions of the same hatred and that, if given the chance, your marches will erupt into pogroms and violence against Jews (and any who stand with them)?
- Will you abandon, once and for all, your false Marxist worldview, where the world is neatly divided into oppressor vs oppressed, and where you consistently place your own Western civilisation on the side of oppression, resulting in your support of the evil we see so clearly marching through the streets of Gaza now?
- To those who have been calling for a ceasefire since Oct 8th, 2023, will you admit that you were profoundly wrong, and that any outcome that left Hamas in power in Gaza was an outcome that could only result in a repeat of October 7th, and further massacres and terrorism?
- Do you see now that there are only two choices - either Hamas is removed and Gaza, and the Palestinians de-radicalized over the next 20 years, or Israel is destroyed and the Jews and Christians driven out of the land?
- Who will you choose? Death or life? Hamas or Israel? Jihad or Western civilization?